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Organizational Behavior Cases

Always On Strategy for the Big Box Store


Shift schedules have been difficult for employees due to fatigue and sleep deprivation. When businesses want to use existing physical space and infrastructure for all the hours of the day, shifts, schedules are discussed. If there are hours in the day where the business is closed it is difficult to fill these shifts. Financially, the use of the sunk costs during the hours when they are not used allows for incremental revenue at minimal incremental cost, outside of labor. GDI decided to take the leap to 24-hour operations. To do this, a shift configuration would need to be chosen that would not reduce performance or increase turnover. In this case, a decision is made that would minimize the negative effects on the business.
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Collaboration across Global Sites using Internal Customer Service Surveys


Ambiance leveraged the unique capability of its three sites to achieve its company goals. Collaboration between the sites, which performed different functions, was paramount. The leaders of each site decided that it would be valuable to evaluate the performance of the staff at each location. They set up a scheme for an internal customer service survey that would reveal what each site thought of the other. The leaders felt that if internal service was very high then the goals of the company would be easier to achieve.
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Evolution in Hospitality to Scale Hotel Properties


Hotels have evolved since the sixties. Chains have sprung up and had significant success while others have died off. New challenges have now emerged that may rock the foundation of hotels and motels as we know them. Technology has made it possible to stay at a house for the price of a motel room. This transaction can happen without seeing an attendant. While hotels are not the same as private houses, something can be learned from the drain of hotel customers in favor of more automated solutions. Technology needs to increasingly be considered as competitors become strong by enhancing the experience of their guests. Premier Stay Hotels is challenged with upgrading their properties and moving into new boutique-style properties that penetrate new markets. The Chief Strategy Officer uses McKinsey’s 7-Step change plan to enhance the health and future outlook of the company.
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Future-Proofing Talent Through Enhancement and Replacement


Combining technology with customer service can be a challenge for a staff to transition to. A culture of service can be enhanced by supplying the tools that hotel functions can use to provide fast excellent service to guests. Some staff may be able to make the transition while other staff may not be able to absorb the changes. This case discusses a scenario and some tools to help decide how to optimize staff while making a significant transition enabled by technology. The technology will need to be embraced and leveraged. In any transition, there is some staff that will not want to come along. It may be better for them not to be with an organization that embraces technology to enhance and achieve service excellence.
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Hardening Processes for Growth: Regional Airways


The economic indicators suggest that people will have more disposable income over the next four years than they had previously. This will result in more air travel. While there will be an increase in business travel, there will also be an increase in leisure travel. Business travelers are less reactive to price fluctuations than leisure travelers are. Regional Airways (RA) is poised to take advantage of these current trends by focusing on pre-flight and in-flight technologies. RA will add to their destinations popular and trending vacation locations in Canada and Central America.
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Leveraging Organizational Performance for Growth


Movie Trailer Services (MTS) was in an industry that required significant growth rates and market share to be successful. Fast growth rates increased cash flow. Market share helped to stabilize pricing. A number of functions occur in the trailer supply chain. In order for MTS to double their throughput, some cultural and functional elements would need to change. There are interdependencies between business units that are strengthened when synergies are recognized and exploited. Strategically, a system that is appropriately designed, implemented, and updated at a suitable cadence is critical for the realization of growth. Supply chain systems, when appropriately deployed and utilized enhance organizational performance and efficacy in the eyes of their clients. Further to this, economies of scale can exploit synergistic attributes found in supply chain-oriented companies to reduce costs. This is accomplished when a system is appropriately designed, transparent, and available. In this case, the owner provides a recalibration strategy for the employees to achieve the expected growth. This growth will help the company to invest in itself and stabilize prices.
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Managing Property Risk While Building A Summer Camp


Camps are typically viewed as very safe environments. Even so, they are not immune to violent acts and natural hazards. Many camps don’t consider the risks that are present on their properties. FBI data shows that 66% of active shooters, based on data collected from 1995 and 2013, are between the ages of 14 and 18. These criminals are the same age as the children that typically attend schools and camps. The data also shows that 60% of these situations are stopped by others and only 3% are stopped by police. This is just one area of risk at summer camps. Many other risks are identified in this case including natural threats. Camp Hope is being built to help chronically ill children. However, the camp is located 45 miles from capable medical facilities. Natural events, like blizzards that block roads, may cause a child to be delayed in arriving at a hospital. To deal with these risks, a method to assess the risk at the property is holistically put forward along with a way to assess if the risks have been mitigated. Proper planning is necessary to ensure that risk threats are dealt with. In this case, a camp is in the process of being prepared for campers. In preparation for successful camping experiences, a number of scenarios are considered based on threats that have happened in the area over a ten-year period. If the camp is able to mitigate the risks that are present the campers and all stakeholders can reduce the confusion and stress that would otherwise come from an overwhelming situation.
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Recalibrating the Growth Profile of an E-learning Company


WisdoMedia was absorbing work from other clients. With this rapid growth, there was a need to recalibrate. Three clients that were quite upset with the service levels from WisdoMedia were consulted to help improve its performance. Using high-end visual effects, WisdoMedia will solidify its position in the corporate e-learning industry. For this to happen they had to solicit and receive feedback. Furthermore, they had to respond to the feedback and make their most unhappy clients satisfied with the changes that were made. This transformational event would mature and strengthen WisdoMedia’s position in their market.
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Systems Support Functions and Operational Excellence


One of the critical functions in an organization comes from system management employees. The system support leader enables profitable growth by making sure that both infrastructure and systems support the revenue-based functions in a company. Additionally, system support leaders allow for the evolution of existing processes through innovation that is ahead of market demands. Each support leader owns their financials; however, they are generally a cost center that supports profit centers. Cost centers do not recognize revenue; rather, they support operational units that add value to assets through the management of configuration changes, and then clients are billed for the capabilities that support leaders create. Excellent Noises, Inc. is in the music business. They want to grow by increasing their portfolio of services. In fact, they want to create a vertical supply chain by being a one-stop shop for musicians. Flexibility is key in this business. If an artist just wants to use one part of the supply chain, mixing, for example, that is fine. This case discusses how Excellent Noises worked its way into much higher revenues by offering a supply chain of services.
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Access: Leveraging Biometrics and a Requirements Register


The use of biometrics for access controls is becoming more of a reality. The advancement of this technology offers the opportunity to enhance access controls by using personal information far beyond the capabilities of passwords. AxEs, Inc. has a development plan driven by the Business Development department to meet their customer’s needs using biometric controls. To exploit the revenue opportunities the development team will need to supply the products that their customers are asking for promptly at a suitable cost. The leadership team has installed a steering committee to make sure that development resources are being used wisely. The steering committee will also make sure that all of the products being developed are in alignment with the company’s goals and values.
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