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Human Resources Cases

Always On Strategy for the Big Box Store


Shift schedules have been difficult for employees due to fatigue and sleep deprivation. When businesses want to leverage existing physical space and infrastructure for all of the hours of the day, shift schedules are discussed. If there are hours in the day where the business is closed it is difficult to fill these shifts. Financially, the use of the sunk costs during the hours when they are not used allows for incremental revenue at minimal incremental cost, outside of labor. GDI decided to take the leap to 24-hour operations. In order to accomplish this, a shift configuration would need to be chosen that would not reduce performance or increase turnover. In this case, a decision is made that would minimize the negative effects on the business.
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Coordinating a Role Transition


A role transition is a stressful time for all stakeholders. It must be managed to make sure that the person who is selected to make the transition is successful. Of course, having a good fit is a good starting point. In this case, there are difficulties at EcoElectric because operations and R&D are not effectively working together. Technology can help to reduce operational costs but only if the technology works. The company decided to commit to a set of technologies to help reduce cost and now they needed someone to use what had been assembled or built. A candidate was chosen and now the transition into the role needed to be executed. This case considers role transition theory and gives the learner the opportunity to compare the theory against an actual scenario. Technology transfer from R&D to operations is complex and should not be underestimated in terms of the effort needed for full deployment. Several challenges must be overcome for an organization to realize the benefit of technology investments.
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Employee Onboarding: Optimizing the First Impression


Employees get their first impression of a company when they come on board. This is a chance for the organization to back up their words about excellent performance. Conversely, if a company says that they are all about excellence and then the onboarding process is poorly organized and executed, then the contradiction between words and actions becomes clear. Trust is in jeopardy between the employee and the organization. Onboarding gives any hiring organization the opportunity to show that they are exceptional and that they hired you because you are also. Without going into detail, the cost of mediocrity is very high while the cost of excellence has a positive return on investment. Excellence eliminates the costs associated with waste. There is significant waste in onboarding processes. An employee that cannot function on ‘Day 1’ is keeping the company from the revenue that they were going to produce per day multiplied by the number of days that it takes to become productive. Furthermore, the learning curve is expedited if the new employee doesn’t have to worry about onboarding tasks.
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Future-Proofing Talent Through Enhancement and Replacement


Combining technology with customer service can be a challenge for a staff to transition to. A culture of service can be enhanced by supplying the tools that hotel functions can use to provide fast excellent service to guests. Some staff may be able to make the transition while other staff may not be able to absorb the changes. This case discusses a scenario and some tools to help decide how to optimize staff while making a significant transition enabled by technology. The technology will need to be embraced and leveraged. In any transition, there is some staff that will not want to come along. It may be better for them not to be with an organization that embraces technology to enhance and achieve service excellence.
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Marketing Expansion Across Cultures Using Psychometric Leadership Matching


AdLead is in the growing energy industry. Turbulent times are ahead for all entities in this industry based on consumption and technology trends. AdLead is in a position to leverage its portfolio of products and services to enable the growth of energy sector companies in a very competitive global market. The company has chosen to expand into three countries located across the globe. These locations have unique capabilities within the portfolio of services based on expertise that was either developed or acquired at this location. Three executives will be relocated from HQ, each to a growth location. Stagnation has happened at each of these offices and in some cases, leadership turnover is a problem. With the use of psychometric testing to find the right candidates along with alignment with cultural attributes as provided by the globe study a discussion of the matching is included in this case to provide the best opportunity for success. Time is of the essence and so some due diligence on selecting the right candidate is required to avoid the time that would be otherwise lost during a transformation failure.
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Merging Andragogy with a Learning Management System to Reduce Learning Costs


Alexis Cranfield was a well-known LA-based, award-winning producer and editor, with over 15 years of experience in film/broadcast and online content production. Alexis worked across all media, using creativity and information to help clients engage their audience. Her reputation resulted in significant growth in existing workflows as well as new workflows that she introduced as fast as she could train her employees. She needed a solution that optimized absorption while minimizing capacity loss due to training activities. Alexis was successful in rolling out the Learning Management System (LMS). It was not long before supervisors said that it was much easier to have introductory information in the LMS for new employees. Once they had completed these training modules, they could go to work. The time saved on the part of the leadership was significant. They could spend their time on other activities rather than training. The value that they could bring to the organization during this time was significant. New employees came online faster, and so capacity was available sooner. Ultimately, the LMS solved a significant capacity-related problem by automating training and enabling the self-management of curriculum consumption by learners.
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Ready for Change: Gasoline to Electric Car Manufacturing


Electric vehicles are enjoying an increasing growth in vehicular market share. The manufacturing of electric cars requires either a new facility to be built around the process or existing facilities must be converted to accommodate the new workflows associated with the changes to the components used and the assembly requirements. In this case, an existing facility in Mexico City is converted to produce electric vehicles. The employees in the facility have been building internal combustion engine vehicles for many years and now they need to transition into an area that is unfamiliar to them in many ways. Not only will the workflows and the components change but assembly methods will be different. The technologies used will be new. The culture in Mexico is relevant to the change effort. Consequently, an assessment of readiness for this change is critical to the overall strategic plan.
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Recalibrating the Growth Profile of an E-learning Company


WisdoMedia was absorbing work from other clients. With this rapid growth, there was a need to recalibrate. Three clients that were quite upset with the service levels from WisdoMedia were consulted to help improve its performance. Using high-end visual effects, WisdoMedia will solidify its position in the corporate e-learning industry. For this to happen they had to solicit and receive feedback. Furthermore, they had to respond to the feedback and make their most unhappy clients satisfied with the changes that were made. This transformational event would mature and strengthen WisdoMedia’s position in their market.
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Using Squatters Rights to Drive Space Utilization


A startup that was scaling quickly wanted to use its space as efficiently as possible while it grew. The activity level was very high, and they wanted to also make sure that their talent was effectively using their energy to push the company forward. At the same time, space was at a premium. The location had recently been acquired and a significant amount of money had been invested in infrastructure and the current setup of the facility. The physical space included both open areas and rooms on the perimeter of the building. SARA Scientific created tools for analytical devices. The algorithms in the software analyzed data produced by laboratory equipment about equipment performance and utilization. The overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) was critical to cost efficiencies in labs around the world. An increase in OEE could significantly boost productivity.
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Logistics to a Large Group of Music Stores


The current marketplace has competing variable sensitivities including product volume, volatility, and price. This sensitivity creates tension in the supply chain and makes success incumbent upon knowledge of pipeline requirements along the supply chain from marketing to raw materials requirements. A supplier to a chain of stores was able to manage their relationship by constantly evaluating their pipeline design. Profitability throughout the supply chain was sustained, as pricing for products with predictable forecasting was sourced with lower costs. Products that had poor forecasting accuracy were locally sourced using agile vendors with burst capacity. This case discusses how a supplier, which was a distributor of materials for a chain of music stores, was careful to avoid revenue cannibalization. Stockouts are the ultimate mistake, however, transparency throughout the supply chain enabled the flow of product at a pace that matched the appetite of the market that the chain of stores served.
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Using a Structured One-on-One to Achieve Execution Goals


The business environment was continuously changing, and Satuchi Company wanted to expand into domestic markets. A new plant was built and went through ‘shakedown’. Leadership stayed focused by using an accountability tool. This tool also enabled accurate information while getting feedback from direct reports. While the agenda’s critical items were driven by top-down methods, other critical items were discovered during bottom-up, or support-based conversations. The plan was a success because all of the leaders were aligned on the goals. This coordination and cooperation helped make sure that employees were listened to and cared for when there was potential for promotion. By keeping the talent at the facility, the plant was able to retain talent and encourage performance by promoting from within. In this case, the one-on-one activity that Satuchi used is shown and explained.
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